lunes, 8 de febrero de 2021

Blox Fruit

Blox fruit

blox fruit es un juego de los millones que hay en roblox últimamente se puso popular.

de que se trata? se trata de ser un buen pirata, empiezas en la isla principal de blox fruit donde los npc que hay que vencer para subir de nivel, son nivel 5. normalmente compramos la katana que vale 1.000 luego cuando llegamos a nivel 14 cambiamos de isla hacia la de los monos.

la isla de los monos: se llega a nivel 14 luego en esa misma isla están los gorilas nivel 20 y el rey gorila nivel 25 además hay un secreto en la isla pero no importa hasta llegar a nivel 200 

isla de Buggy: se entra a nivel 35 con los piratas luego a nivel 45 con los brutes y por ultimo con buggy a nivel 55; además hay para comprar un garrote de hierro o una espada y el primer estilo de pelea llamada dark step que seria las patadas de Sanji y una persona para el nivel 200

isla del desierto: entras a nivel 60 con los piratas del desierto y luego contra los oficiales del desierto de nivel 70ademas en esa isla se compra un sombrero que te da mas daño con espada; y una cosa de nivel 200

isla nevada: entras a nivel 90 contra los bandidos de las nieves luego contra los muñecos de nieve de nivel 100 y por ultimo el yeti de nivel 110 además hay para comprar una espada y la triple katana y los 3 tipos de haki:

haki de armadura(enchantement): tus brazos o tus piernas se vuelven de color negro al igual que la espada y pistola, los cual te hace mas resistente y haces mas daño; vale 15.000.

haki de salto(sky jump): hace que puedas saltar casi infinitamente pero te va gastando de 40 de energía en 40 de energía; vale 25.000.

haki soru(soru):el soru te tele transporta hasta cierta distancia también esquivas ataques si eres rápido; vale 100

fortaleza marítima(marine fort):entras a nivel 120 y luego contra vice-almirant nivel 130 y dentro de una de las torres se compra la black cap la cual te da 10 de energía y vida extra además el boss nivel 130 te puede dar una capa que te da 200 de energía y hay una isla justo al lado que parece una roca gigante en donde hay un boss nivel 120 que te da 3.000 de bounty y reaparece cada minuto

skypia: es una isla en el cielo a la que solo si tienes el sky jump o volando con una fruta puedes llegar, se entra  a el nivel 150 en una castillo luego a nivel 175y hay empieza lo feo ya que si tienes logia tendrás que subir a 177 para ser logia, ( mas adelante diré que son las logias) 

hay se puede comprar la bisento una espada muy fuerte la cual fue empuñada por barba blanca que vale 1.200.000 y la dual- katana( no es la doble katana) que vale 400.000 y en el castillo en el cielo de nivel 150 se encuentra un ítem que te da velocidad y te suben mucho el daño de espada vale 500.000 y en la parte mas baja en las piedras hay un científico que te da el electric el cual es el segundo estilo de pelea y es bueno para bosses y pvp.

el coliseo: se entra a nivel 200 hasta nivel 250 y de nivel 250 hasta 300.( en el coliseo no hay nada para comprar pero es un lugar para hacer pvp) además hay otro sitio desde nivel 180  hasta nivel 250 o 300 este sitio se llama impeldown es una prisión, en la cual están 3 bosses de nivel 180, 200 y 225 el boss de nivel 200 te puede dar una espada.

isla magma: empiezas a nivel 300 y empieza lo malo por que algunos de nivel 300 tienen haki por lo que no podrás ser logia y contra los de 325 todos tienen haki tienen el soru y por ultimo el almirante de la flota actual akaino el que posee la magu magu no mi o la magma fruit, no hay items para comprar.

isla bajo el agua: empiezas a nivel 400  luego contra los de nivel 425 y luego contra el boss nivel 425 que te puede dropear un tridente; ninguno tiene haki y detras del palacio del boss se puede comprar el mejor estilo de pelea del old world el fishman karate.

skypia: luego a nivel 500 te vas a la parte mas alta de skypia a nivel 475 vas por el portal del templo para llegar a lo mas alto del old world luego vas contra wisper el boss nivel 500.

luego vas al otro lado de la isla contra los de nivel 525 después contra los de nivel 550 y por ultimo contra enel el boss nivel 575, enel da la pole es una espada o bastón y en ese lado de la isla en la cima de la torre te puedes comprar el ken haki y podrás esquivar cierta cantidad de golpes de todo tipo(espada, melé, fruta etc.), y debajo de la torre por un pasadizo si le haces ciertos ataques destrozas la puerta y hay 8 cofres de 1000.

water 7: esta es la ultima isla del old world empiezas a nivel 625 luego contra los de nivel 650 los cuales tienen haki de armadura  y por ultimo contra franki o ciborg nivel 675 y cuando llegues a nivel 700 vas a la prisión a hablar con el militar y luego donde compras los diferentes haki en la isla nevada y luego abres la puerta que hay y vences al almirante aokiji y luego vas al medio para ir al nuevo mundo.


las frutas del diablo o akuma no mi son frutas que te otorgan poderes a cambio de que nunca mas podrás nadar, hay 3 tipos de frutas las cuales son:

logias: este tipo de frutas se dice que es el mas fuerte se caracteriza por controlar y cambiar un elemento de la naturaleza y esta le otorga intangibilidad al usuario.

zoan: estas se dividen en dos tipos zoan mitológicas y zoan prehistóricas, estas te dan la capacidad de convertirte en un animal dinosaurio o bestia mitológica las cuales te otorgan poder.

paramecia: las akuma no mi tipo paramecia pueden alterar al cuerpo del usuario y a su entorno y son el tipo de akuma no mi  con mas usuarios.

en blox fruit hay bastantes pero pocas tipo zoan aun así
son buenas miren el video para conocerlas todas

este ultimo video es de la nueva fruta la dragón y ahora mencionare todas la frutas en orden del juego

 Bomb$5,000R$50Paramecia/Natural1, 15
Spike$7,500R$75Paramecia/Natural1, 15
Chop$30,000R$100Paramecia/Natural1, 20, 50
Spring$60,000R$180Paramecia/Natural1, 20, 60, 80
Flame$250,000R$550Logia/Elemental1, 25, 50, 100, 10
Ice$350,000R$750Logia/Elemental1, 30, 50, 100
Sand$420,000R$850Logia/Elemental1, 40, 80, 120, 15
Dark$500,000R$950Logia/Elemental1, 40, 80, 110
Light$650,000R$1,100Logia/Elemental1, 40, 80, 110, 10
Gum$750,000R$1,200Paramecia/Natural1, 20, 50, 150
Barrier$800,000R$1,250Paramecia/Natural1, 45, 90, 130, 10
Magma$850,000R$1,300Logia/Elemental1, 45, 95, 140, 10
Quake$1,000,000R$1,500Paramecia/Natural1, 50, 100, 150
Human: Buddha$1,200,000R$1,650Zoan/Beast1, 1, 100, 200
String$1,500,000R$1,800Paramecia/Natural1, 50, 100, 225, 15
Bird: Phoenix$1,800,000R$2,000Zoan/Beast1, 90, 160, 250, 20
Rumble$2,100,000R$2,100Logia/Elemental1,90,160, 250,30
Paw$2,300,000R$2,200Paramecia/Natural1, 100, 200, 300,50
Gravity$2,500,000R$2,300Paramecia/Natural1, 100, 200, 300, 50
Dough$2,800,000R$2,400Paramecia/Natural, can be turned into Logia with Ken haki/observation on1, 100, 200, 300, 50
Control$3,200,000R$2,500Paramecia/Natural1, 1, 150, 350 ,250
Dragon$3,500,000R$2,600Zoan/Beast1, 150, 250, 350, 75

estilos de pelea

el melé o el estilo de pelea son importantes cuando empiezas el juego te dan el primero el combat el cual no sirve mucho a continuación mencionare todos

Dark Step

Dark Step can be learned for 150,000 Beli at the Pirate Village from the Black Leg Teacher.

[Z] Mastery 1: [ Kick Combo ] 

The user flings themselves at there cursor doing multiple slashes

[X] Mastery 40: [ Break Dance ]

The user starts spinning and attacks everything around them. Semi-AoE move. 

[C] Mastery 80: [ Barrage 

The user releases a barrage of kicks that they can hold to kick longer, similar to the Gum-Gum's Rush but its kicks.

[V] Mastery 150: [ Devil 

Sets the user's leg on fire and makes the click attack and all the moves do 1.25x damage. As a visual bonus, it turns all their kicks and hits to orange instead of black and white.

Note: You can set both your legs on fire by using Devil 100 times. This will do 1.5x more damage.

The Black Leg Teacher can be found on the left side of the island in between one of the gaps between houses in front of the rich man.


Electro can be learned for 500,000 Beli under the Skylands from the Mad Scientist.

[Z] Mastery 50: [ Stomp 

The user stomps into the ground, making a small fatty, doing decent damage. Sends the target high up in the air.

[X] Mastery 100: [ Electric Tackle ] 

The user dashes forward at the cursor doing medium damage, dealing increased damage to low health enemies. Used primarily for dashing forward mid-air.

[C] Mastery 200: [ Electric Floor ]

The user slams their fists in the ground, making the ground in front of them infused with electricity for a few moments. This is a stun and AoE move.

Note: This fighting style has no effect on Gum-Gum users.

The Mad Scientist who sells you this fighting style can be found on the rocks directly behind the bottom island of Skypiea

Water Kung Fu

Fishman Karate can be learned for 750,000 Beli in the Underwater City from the Fishman Karate Teacher.

[Z] Mastery 70: [ Steamed-Charged Fist ]

The user shoots an air pulse, this move has knockback.

[X] Mastery 130: [ Deadly Shower ]

The user shoots projectiles, this move deals decent damage, it also needs aiming skills.

[C] Mastery 250: [ Heavy Water Punch ]

The user charges water in their hands, and punch in front, launching it in the direction of the cursor. Can be used for transportation.

- Fishman karate teacher can be found near the right side of the back outer corner of Fisherman Jones's Castle behind a wall with discoloration

Dragon Breath

In order to get it, you need to go to The Second Sea, get 1,500 Fragments, and talk to Sabo, who is hiding in one of the holes of the castle wall. (You can get Fragments by doing Raids, defeating Sea Beasts and defeating Black Beards) You do not need the artifact from Darkbeard to get this anymore.

[Z] Mastery 100: [ Dragon Rush ]Fragments

You dash forward twice, engulfed in flames that do a lot of damage in a small radius.

[X] Mastery 200: [ Dragon Flames ]

You fire a whirlwind of flame, dealing damage and knocking back all opponents caught in the tempest. The knockback is very large.

[C] Mastery 300: [ Dragon Explosion ]

You slam the ground, creating an explosion with a huge radius and knockback. This attack does 2.5x your standard damage value.


Superhuman can be bought from the Martial Arts Master at the Second Sea's Ice Mountain. You need to have 300 mastery on all the fighting styles EXCEPT DEATH STEP (Dark StepElectroFishman karate, and Dragon Breath) and pay $3,000,000 in order to obtain it. No level is required to get Superhuman. (Technically at least 700+ to get to the new world.)

[Z] Mastery 110: [ Beast Owl Pounce ]

User Travel a short distance (which can be aimed in any direction) and if contact is made with an enemy you will start to do rapid damage to the enemy and if you don't hit an enemy well nothing happens except you have traveled a short distance.

[X] Mastery 220: [ Thunder Clap ]

The user stands still and generates a tornado on the ground if you hold this move ( Note these tornadoes do no damage to the enemy or you) or you can just press this move, either way, the move does the same amount of damage. When released the user will release a ring of lightning that hits enemies in a short radius and deals a good amount of damage. It also plays a thunder sound when used.

[C] Mastery 330: [ Conqueror's Gun ]

User dashes forward hitting a single enemy and fly them back and like Beast Owl Pounce if you miss you just travel the distance and still can be aimed. This move plays a gun-shot sound when used.

Death Step

Death Step can be acquired at the Ice Castle from Phoeyu The Reformed when you meet the following requirements:

[Z] Mastery 100: [ Rocket Kick ]

The user launches themselves like a rocket inside a ball of swirls, and tackles them which will leave a crater when either the opponent or the user hits against a wall. Quick Recovery, but no stun. Move can be charged up to reach farther distance. Decent knockback.

[X] Mastery 200: [ Wind Bullet ]

The user shoots a wind-like projectile that travels almost instantaneously. This move deals decent damage and has medium range. The enemy will receive more damage if they were hit by the explosion from the projectile.

[C] Mastery 300: [ Vermillion Drill

The user jumps up into the air and spin themselves and they do a kicking barrage. Attacks longer if you hold the move down, similarly to Dark Step's Barrage. Lastly, The user preforms a front flip axe kick which leaves a crater behind if it comes into contact with the opponent.

[V] Mastery 400: [ Devil Flames ]

The user is engulfed in swirls of flames as they ignite both of their feet. This will increase the damage of all of its moves, as well as leave flames behind on wherever the final hit lands, which will inflict DoT(Damage over time).

  • Note: The Z and C move will leave craters whenever the user or the opponent hits against a wall or on the ground.
  • Note: There was a bug that initially required you to have 600 Mastery of Dark Step instead of just a mere 450 Mastery. This bug has since been fixed.
  • Note: You require a Library key to enter the room where Phoeyu The Reformed resides in. This key may be obtained by killing the Awakened Ice Admiral (Small Drop Chance). (The use of the Soru bug may allow you to glitch inside the room without the Library key, however, you can't unlock the fighting style without the key.)

Fighting Styles' Damage

All damage stats of every fighting style(except Combat and Death Step) can be found here:


a continuación mostrare todas las espadas:

Katana/Cutlass/Ittoryu/One Sword Style

Common weapons sold for 1,000 Beli at Pirates Starter Island and Marines Starter Island (Note that both swords have the same moves).

[Z] Mastery 1: [ Quiet Rush ]

The user dashes forward and attacks enemies in their way, almost as if they were teleporting.

[X] Mastery 15: [ Air Slash ]

Cuts the air, releasing a light blue slash that hits all enemies in its way and knocks them back.

Dual Katana/Nitoryu/Two Sword Style

common weapon sold for 12,500 Beli at Pirate Village.

[Z] Mastery 1: [ Whirlwind ]

Medium ranged, cone-shaped attack for knockback.

[X] Mastery 30: [ Tornado ]

An inverted cone-shaped attack dealing damage to all enemies in its radius.

Iron Mace in-game

Iron Mace/Kanabo (Belongs to Alvida)

An uncommon weapon sold for 25,000 Beli at Pirate Village.

[Z] Mastery 1: [ Mace Smash ]

Smashes the ground hitting nearby enemies.

[X] Mastery 30: [ Killer Combo ]

Slashes the air multiple times dealing damage to enemies.

How the Shark Saw looks in the game

Shark Saw/Kiribachi (belongs to Arlong)

An uncommon weapon obtained by defeating The Saw. After beating him, has a 10% chance of dropping.

[Z] Mastery 10: [ Consecutive Slashes ]

The user slashes to the right of them, hitting enemies multiple times while stunning them.

[X] Mastery 60: [ Execution ]

The user spins and slashes around them for a period of time while moving towards the mouse.

triple katana

Triple Katana/Santoryu/Three Sword Style

An uncommon sword sold for 60,000 Beli atSnow Island.

[Z] Mastery 20: [ Air Slashes Barrage ]

The user cuts the air releasing 4 slashes.

[X] Mastery 60: [ Violent Rush ]

Charges towards an opponent.

Pipe in-game

Pipe (belongs to Ace, Luffy and Sabo as kids in the anime)

rare weapon sold for 100,000 Beli at Snow Island.

[Z] Mastery 1: [ Rage Combo ]

The user surges towards your mouse pointer and attacks multiple times.

[X] Mastery 50: [ Earth Smash ]

The user smashes the ground throwing your enemy into the air and dealing damage.

Warden Sword in-game

Warden Sword (belongs to Hannyabal)

rare weapon obtained by defeating Chief Warden.

[Z] Mastery 35: [ Multi-Target Slash ]

The user slashes the ground causing blue waves to come out, attacking multiple nearby enemies multiple times.

[X] Mastery 80: [ Tornado Wave ]

The user shoots a tornado towards their mouse pointer.

Dual-Headed Blade

rare weapon sold for 400,000 Beli at Sky Island.

[Z] Mastery 20: [ Assassinate ]

The user dashes forward while spinning, slashing everything in their path.

[X] Mastery 100: [ Raging Wind ]

The user throws three small tornadoes in front of then, damaging and lunging up everything they touch.

Soul Cane

Soul Cane/Soul Solid (Belongs to Brook)

rare sword sold at a secret seller in Volcano side for 750,000 Beli.

Note: It's easier to find the hidden entrance with mobile option

[Z] Mastery 40: [ Soul Beam ]

The user shoots a very-small-high-speed ball at their mouse pointer.

[X] Mastery 120: [ Soul Slashes ]

The user slashes at the cursor in a small range.


Bisento/ Murakumogiri (Edward Newgate's weapon)

legendary weapon sold for 1,200,000 Beli at Sky Island. It can be upgraded by defeating the Greybeard raid boss.

[Z] Mastery 50: [ Wind Breaker ]

Throws three wind slashes cutting and knocking back enemies.

- V2: Creates 3 mini-sphere that launches in the direction of your cursor.

[X] Mastery 150: [ Quake Sphere ]

Shoots out a ball that damages all enemies inside it.

- V2: Creates a giant ball that quickly damages anybody within the sphere. It becomes slightly bigger over time and explodes at the last hit with higher damage.


Trident (Belongs to Hody Jones)

rare weapon obtained by defeating Fisherman Lord.

[Z] Mastery 50: [ Trident Hook ]

Lets you hook anyone to you with a very far range. you can also hook yourself to buildings and walls.

[X] Mastery 125: [ Water Pulse ]

Lets you damage any nearby enemies but has a short range.

Pole(1st Form)

Pole (1st form) (belongs to Enel)

legendary weapon obtained by defeating Thunder God.

[Z] Mastery 80: [ Explosive Cloud ]

Shoots out a cloud that explodes after a few seconds.

[X] Mastery 180: [Lightning Rain]

Rains down lightning to where your mouse is pointed.


Dark Blade(Yoru) (belongs to Dracule Mihawk)

mythical tier weapon. This sword is purchased for 1200 Robux. If you kill the Mihawk boss, an admin named rip_indra you can get it for free. Or never because he will never online. (His level is 10000). rip_indra wields a much stronger version of the original Yoru. The normal Yoru can be upgraded into v2.

[Z] Mastery 1: [ One Thousand Slices ]

Does many slices in front of you.

V2: Does more slices in front of you with more damage plus the slashes get sent out further.

-V2 (when held): The same but you dash with the slash..

[X] Mastery 50: [ Dark Air Slash ]

Casts a vertical green slash that knocks enemies back.

V2: Casts out a bigger slash than V1 that knocks enemies back.

-V2 (when held): Still the same but it sends out the slash faster, travels further and breaks Ken.


Saber (belongs to Shanks)

legendary weapon obtained by doing the quest and defeating Shanks. It can be upgrade toSaber V2.

Link the video to get Saber by Axiore:

[Z] Mastery 50: [ Deadly Rush ]

Players will charge and slashes at the opponent.

-V2: Saber V1's normal Deadly Rush is combined with Saber v1's Triple Slash.

Fun Fact: If you aim your V2 Saber's Z move "Deadly Rush' perfectly it will be the most damaging move of all legendary swords in game. The farther you are from the enemy, the more damage it deals.

[X] Mastery 125: [ Triple Slash ]

Player will slash out 3 red slashes to the opponent.

- V2: Player launches a big slash looks like a dragon at your cursor (longer range and bigger hitbox, sightly increases dmg).

Second Sea Swords

Three Legendary Swords a.k.a True Swordsman's Quest

These three can all be obtained by The Legendary Swords Dealer for 2,000,000 Beli each.


Saddi/Sandai Kitetsu (Part of Zoro's Santoryu)

The swords handle is red and white stripped. The slashes are golden.

[Z] Mastery 150: [ Swords Dance ]

The user spins around while surrounded by golden slashes (similar to Saw's X) for two seconds and damages everyone in the range.

[X] Mastery 300: [ True Air Slash ]

Sends out golden slashes like Saber V2's but stronger with a smashed hitbox (more width and less height).


Shisui/ Shusui/(Part of Zoro's Santoryu)

The sword case is black with pink symbols on it. Its slashes have pink and purple VFX Similar to the Saddi, when Buso Haki is activated it will become surrounded by black "beams".

[Z] Mastery 150: [ True Quiet Rush ]

The user dashes forward in a swift cut that can cut multiple enemies. It can be used for travel as well I guess.

[X] Mastery 300: [ Focus Shot ]

The user sends out a beam of purple light, inflicting knockback on the enemy but it is kind of like a snipe move.


Wando/Wado Ichimonji (Part of Zoro's Santoryu)

This is the thickest of the Three Legendary Swords. The sword's handle is white with 3 golden stripes.

[Z] Mastery 150: [ Continuous Slash ]

The user slashes a barrage of slashes in front of them. You can hold it for a longer duration.

[X] Mastery 300: [ Scatter Shot ]

The user sends out slashes like Bisento V2’s Z.

True Triple Katana

True Triple Katana/Evolved Santoryu (Belongs to Zoro)

This sword combines all of the Three Legendary Swords into one, for the user to use as a 3-Sword-Style. It can be bought at the very top of Green Zone for 2,000,000B$. You need all the three swords, you need all skill for 3 swords. The swords also appear to have Zoro's Armament Haki on them, shown with the purple rings.

[Z] Mastery 150: [ Wolf Fang Rush ]

The user dashes forward into the enemy before slashing a few times dealing a good amount of damage.

[X] Mastery 350: [ Dragon Hurricane ]

The user summons a big hurricane at their cursor, which hits multiple times and sends the target flying upwards.

(You guy’s should get this ttk cause is so OP)


Longsword (Belongs to Diamond)

rare sword obtained by defeating Diamond. It has 2 moves.

[Z] Mastery 100: [ Annihilate ]

User makes a shockwave around them with slashes. Note that the slashes model used in this move is similar to the Dark Blade's Z slashes.

[X] Mastery 200: [ Glorious Smash ]

The user dashes forward a little bit and does a shockwave attack. Very similar to the first one.

[This sword can easily break an opponent's observation when turned on, so it's pretty useful in pvp]

Gravity Cane

Gravity Cane/Gravito (belongs to Fujitora/Issho)

rare sword obtained by defeating Fajita. It has 2 moves.

[Z] Mastery 125: [ Gravity Push ]

The user makes gravity push upward dealing damage to opponents.

[X] Mastery 250: [ Meteor Barrage ]

The user makes a barrage of meteors. Same as the skill of a gravity fruit but a very smaller version.


Jitte (belongs to Smoker)

rare sword obtained by defeating Smoke Admiral. It has 2 moves.

[Z] Mastery 150: [ Smoke Barrage ]

The user sends out a line of smoke and blinds their opponent for 3 seconds.

[X] Mastery 300: [ Smoke Apparition ]

The user becomes smoke and rushes to where their cursor is, pulling anybody in the way. Does an AOE damage and it also blinds enemies for a few of seconds.

Koko Blade

Koko/Kikoku (belongs to Trafalgar Law)

legendary sword obtained by defeating Order A.K.A Law. It has 2 moves.

[Z] Mastery 150: [ Electric Stab ]

The user tackles the opponent with trails of electricity and sends them into the air.

[X] Mastery 325: [ Injection Stab ]

The user makes a crosshair and shoots out a mid-range electric shot

Both of the moves can hit multiple people.

Midnight Blade

Midnight Blade

A legendary sword obtained by buying it for 100 Ectoplasm from El Admin

[Z] Mastery 150 [ Portal Opening ]

This move is the same move that the Cursed Captain Raid Boss uses, it opens a blue portal in front of you that sucks your enemy in slightly and pushes them away similar to the Dark-Dark move Dark Spiral. This move does medium damage.

[X] Mastery 325 [ Crescent Dash ]

This is the other move the Cursed Captain raid boss uses, it launches you forward at your enemy, similar to Saber's first move. This move does mid-high damage and launches your enemy away, just like the Portal Opening move.

Rengoku Sword


This is a new sword that was added in Update 13. To get this sword, you must get the Hidden key which can be obtained by killing NPCs or Awakened Ice Admiral in the new island, Ice Castle. Then, use it to open the chest in a secret door on the right side of the stairs inside the castle's main room. When you've got the sword, It'll show "You found...a secret sword?!" and also you will get "Samurai" title

The Rengoku Sword has 2 skills:

[Z]: Demon Slayer (150 Mastery)

The user dashes to the opponent and slashes multiple times (Deal 10 times of dmg).

[X]: Burning Slash (350 Mastery)

The user sends out flaming slashes, leaves fire when travel.


y en el juego hay accesorios los cuales te dan vida, energia, velocidad o mas ataque aqui les muestro todos

Old Sea

Black Cape

Black cape (1).png


  • +100 Health
  •         +100 Energy
  • +5% to All Damage


  • 50,000 Beli
  • Level 50
You can get the Black Cape in Marine Ford by going to the first tower on your right when entering. Once you are on the top, you will find a hidden ladder. Climbing down the ladder leads you to Parlus, who will sell it to you.

Swordsman Hat

Swordsman's Hat.png


  • +10% to Sword Damage


To get the Swordsman Hat you have to go to the money chest near the pyramid in the Desert. Underneath the chest is a passage that will lead you to the inside of the pyramid where Hasan will sell you the hat..

Pink Coat

Pink Coat.png


  • +200 Health
  • +10% to Gun Damage


To get the Pink Coat, you have to defeat Swan in Impel Down (Jail).

Tomoe Ring

Tomoe Ring.png


  • +10% to Blox Fruit Damage


To get the Tomoe Ring, you need to get on the roof of the castle in Skypiea, where the Sky Bandits are located. There you can find an NPC called Yoshi, who will sell you the item.




  • +200 Energy
  • +10% to Melee Damage


To get the Coat, you need to kill the Vice-Admiral, which is located in the building on Marine Ford

The coat changes its design depending on whether you are a Marine or a Pirate.

Cool Shades



  • +17.5% to Movement Speed
  • +7.5% to All Damage


To get the Cool Shades, you need to kill the Cyborg, which is located at Fountain City.

Usoap's Hat



  • +7.5% to Gun Damage
  • +15% Cooldown Reduction to Gun Attacks


  • Kill 3 Players as a Pirate while having a Bounty of 250,000 or more.
For this item, you do not have to be at a specific location.

Marine Cap

Marine Cap


  • +7.5% to Sword Damage
  • +7.5% to Gun Damage
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction to Sword Attacks
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction to Gun Attacks


  • Kill 3 players as a Marine while having Honor of 250,000 or more.
For this item, you do not have to be at a specific location.

Second Sea

Black Spikey Coat

Black spike.png


  • +200 Health
  • +200 Energy
  • +7.5% to All Damage


To get the Black Spikey Coat, you need to kill Jeremy in the Second Sea (Official) he is located straight right from Docks.




  • +3% to Blox Fruit Damage
  • +15% Cooldown Reduction to Blox Fruit Attacks
  • +10% Defense from Blox Fruit Attacks


Second Sea whirlpools.

Top Hat

Top Hat.png


  • +3% to Melee Damage
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction to All Attacks
  • +10% Defense from Sword Attacks


Second Sea whirlpools.

Warrior Helmet

Warrior's Helmet.png


  • +12.5% to Melee Damage
  • +12.5% to Sword Damage
  • +5% Cooldown Reduction to Melee Attacks
  • +5% Cooldown Reduction to Sword Attacks


Second Sea Kingdom of Rose Café

Dark Coat

Dark Coat.png


  • +600 Health
  • +600 Energy
  • +15% to Blox Fruit Damage


Dark Arena. This is the only Mythical Accessory.

Swan Glasses

Swan Glasses.png


  • +250 Health
  • +250 Energy
  • +25% to Movement Speed
  • +8% to All Damage
  • +8% to All Cooldown Reduction
  • +8% to All Defenses


To get the Swan Glasses, you need to get inside of Don Swan's room and defeat him. In order, to access his room, you have to give Trevor an Blox Fruit in item form worth at least 1,000,000 Beli.

Zebra Cap



  • +100 Health
  • +500 Energy
  • +10% to Sword Damage
  • +15% Cooldown Reduction to Blox Fruit Attacks


To get the Zebra Cap, you need to defeat Order(Law). To spawn him, you need to give 1000 fragments to Arithmetic above Smoke Admiral. Once you give him the fragments, in return he will give you the chip. With the chip, you can summon Order.

Ghoul Mask



  • +500 Energy
  • +35% to Movement Speed
  • +10% Life Leech (2.5% on NPCs) on Melee Attacks


The Ghoul Mask is sold by El Perro in the Cursed Ship.

Blue Spikey coat



  • +250 Health
  • +500 Energy
  • +7.5% to All Defenses



Red Spikey coat

Red Spikey Coat.png


  • +500 Health
  • +250 Energy
  • +7.5% to All Damage




Santa's Hat



  • +400 Health
  • +400 Energy
  • +30% to Movement Speed
  • +12.5% to Sword Damage
  • +12.5% to Blox Fruit Damage


Talk to Santa Claws at Middle Town in Old world, or at tMansion in Second Sea

Note: This is the best accessory according to Axiore because it provide a lot of health, energy and speed for survivingand dodging

(Elf Hat)

Elf hat.PNG


  • +20% to Movement Speed
  • +10% to Melee Damage
  • +10% to Sword Damage
  • +5% Cooldown Reduction to All attacks


Talk to Santa Claws at Middle Town in Old world, or at the Mansion in Second Sea

Recommended if your in old world.

frutas despertadas

las frutas del diablo se pueden despertar haciéndolas mas fuerte y pero no todas se piueden despertar aunque mas que todo es depende del usuario las frutas que se pueden despertar actualmente son :light, flame, ice, dark y quake.


hay 5 razas en total pero ¿que son?; las razas son los diferentes mounstros que hay en one piece la diferente razas son:

humano: es con la que todos empezamos no te da habilidades ni te quita






nueva actualizacio

en esta nueva actualización hay lo siguiente:

un nuevo despertar: la rumble fruit ahora se puede despertar.

la pole v2: la pole es el arma que te da enel.

una nueva raza: la raza ciborg

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